雅思口语(一)| 流程介绍

Starry Lv3


  1. What’s your name?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. Do you work or are you a student?

Part1 基本信息

  • 问一些比较基础简单的问题,比如个人情况、工作、学习之类的
  • 一些兴趣或爱好
  • 至少2-4句话
  • Hometown
  • work/study
  • Home
  • The area you live in


  • 主题卡片,卡片附有问题和相关观点
  • 一分钟准备时间,可以在提供的草稿纸上做笔记
  • Tips:
    • 卡片上的不是问题,而是给你的参考,没有必要回答卡片上所有的问题
    • 你需要做的是,尽可能给出详细的答案,去描述你想描述的事物,而不是把注意力放在回答卡片上的问题
    • 展示语言流利性,尽可能展示更多的词汇、语法、时态、结构等。


  • 根据part2进行一个眼神,会进一步问一些问题,问题的难度可能稍大。
  • 建议:
    • 回答好part3的问题,最好的方式就是举例子。
    • 尽可能把思维拓展开,不局限于问题本身,尽量说得细致全面
    • part3回答不充分会影响得分、每个回答的建议市场是1分钟,主义结构、流利度、内容丰富度
  • 答题框架
    • 回答问题+观点1(角度1)+观点2(角度2)+举例+总结
    • 从不同角度(个人、群体、社会)阐述原因



  • I think in general
  • To be honest, it’s a bit difficult to give adefinite answer.(说实话,给出一个明确的答案有点困难。)
  • In my opinion, both sides have their pros and cons.(在我看来,双方都有其优点和缺点。)
  • Well, l think there are several factors to consider.(嗯,我认为有几个因素需要考虑。)
  • From my perspective, it depends on different situations.(在我看来这取决于不同的情况。)
  • Actually, it’s a complex issue and can’t be simply generalized.(实际上,这是一个复杂的问题,不能简单地一概而论。)
  • l would say that it varies from person to person.(说这因人而异。)
  • Generally speaking, there are different opinions on this matter.( 般来说,在这件事上有不同的意见。)
  • l feel that we should take in to account various factors before making ajudgment.(我觉得在做出判断之前我们应该考虑各种因素。)
  • l believe that we need to look at it from multiple angles.(我相信我们需要从多个角度来看待它。)
  • lt’s quite a controversial topic, and different people may hold different views.(这是一个相当有争议的话题,不同的人可能持有不同的观点。)


  • l really enjoy doing sports.(我真的很享受做运动。)
  • l absolutely adore this movie.(我绝对喜爱这部电影。)
  • l really love this song.(我真的很喜欢这首歌。)
  • l’m quite fond of that book.(我挺喜欢那本书的。)
  • l have a great passion for traveling.(我对旅行有极大的热情)


  • l really hate rainy days.(我真的很讨厌下雨天。)
  • l quite dislike that kind of behavior.(我挺不喜欢那种行为的。)
  • l really don’t like spicy food.(我真的不喜欢辛辣食物。)
  • l’m not a big fan of horror movies.(我不是恐怖电影的超级粉丝。)


  • Alright, this is the end of what l want to share.(这就是我想分享的结尾了。)
  • That’s pretty much all l can think of for this part.(≠+这部分我差不多能想到的就是这些了。)
  • Well,l think that covers everything.(嗯,我觉得这涵盖了所有内容。)
  • And that concludes my thoughts on this matter.(ix 就总结了我对这件事的想法。)
  • And that’s basically it about this topic.(关于这个话题差不多就是这样。)
  • So,that’s all l have to say for now.(那么,这就是我现在要说的全部了。)




  • 开头
    • Today, I would like to talk about [地点名称], which is a [类型,如city/town/national park] located in the central of Hangzhou[地点].
  • 描述地点
    • 方位
      • It can be found to the south of New Delhi.
      • It can be found on the south coast of India。
    • 形容
      • Places worth visiting.
      • Tourists tend to flock to .(= go in crowds to)
      • People tend to flock to Tianan square to see the sunrise
      • It’s famous for its
        • temples
        • museums
        • art galleries
        • beaches
        • mountains
    • Visitors are drawn by the
      • amazing views
      • fantastic cuisine
      • affordable hotels
      • golden beaches
    • The () is a big pull factor
      • old quarter
      • the river
      • the nightlife
    • “It’s located in the north of [地点].”
    • “It can be found in the south of[地点].”
    • “It’s a little known place…”
    • “It’s hidden away, off the beaten track.”
    • “It’s a really popular place…”
    • “One of those must-see places.”
    • “The place is quiet, calm, and peaceful.”
    • “The place is noisy with a lot of hustle and bustle, a hive of activity.”
    • “It’s famous for its temples, museums, art galleries, beaches, and mountains.”
    • “Places worth visiting include[地标或景点名称].”
    • “Tourists tend to flock to[景点名称].”
    • “The places that attract most visitors are「景点名称].”
    • “Visitors are drawn by the amazing views, fantastic cuisine, affordable hotels,and golden beaches.”
    • “The [old quarter/river/nightlife] is a big pull factor.”
  • 描述在这个地点可以做的事情
    • 能做什么
  • 描述在这个地点的感受
    • 个人做过的事情
  • 总结

Hangzhou, Zhejiang is a city in eastern China, located near the coast, and it is the capital of Zhejiang Province. This city is renowned for its rich history, cultural heritage, and beautiful natural scenery, making it an excellent place for people to live.

I first learned about Hangzhou from a history book in school, where it was described as a prominent city during the Southern Song Dynasty. However, my true appreciation for the city came when I visited it during a family trip. The serene beauty of West Lake, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, left a lasting impression on me.

Hangzhou is a blend of traditional charm and modern convenience. The city is famous for its tea culture, particularly Longjing tea, and the picturesque landscapes that surround it, such as the lush tea plantations and scenic hills. The city’s infrastructure is also highly developed, with efficient public transportation, modern shopping centers, and high-quality healthcare and educational institutions. Moreover, Hangzhou has a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability, with numerous parks, green spaces, and efforts to reduce pollution.

Compared to other places, Hangzhou stands out for its harmonious balance between nature and urban life. Unlike some of the more densely populated and industrialized cities in China, Hangzhou offers a peaceful living environment while still providing all the amenities of a modern city. The city’s government also actively promotes cultural and technological innovation, which has attracted a thriving community of entrepreneurs and artists.

In summary, Hangzhou’s rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and modern amenities make it an ideal place for people who seek both a high quality of life and a connection to nature. It’s this unique blend that, in my opinion, makes Hangzhou a better place to live compared to many other cities.

  • Title: 雅思口语(一)| 流程介绍
  • Author: Starry
  • Created at : 2024-10-09 15:44:28
  • Updated at : 2024-10-09 16:45:50
  • Link: https://kilig1210.github.io/2024/10/09/雅思口语(一) 流程介绍/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.